Open Enrollment: Ways to Apply

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The open enrollment period is from November 1st through January 15th, and it is recommended you apply early to avoid potential issues such as website crashes. To figure out which method is best for you, check out the options below:


1. Apply through an agent/broker
An insurance agent or broker can answer all of your health insurance questions and make sure that you are choosing the best policy for your needs. In addition, they can walk you through the application process. For more information, contact us directly! All of our services are complimentary and it's the same price to go direct as it is to work with us.

2. Apply through a certified enrollment partner website
You can apply for health insurance through the websites of approved enrollment partners. These include online health insurance sellers and insurance company websites. Health insurance sellers allow you to compare all of the Marketplace plans that are available to you, while insurance companies show you their specific Marketplace plans.

3. Apply online through 
For an online health insurance application, you may create a login directly through the website. The site will walk you through all of the steps to apply and enroll in a health insurance plan.

4. Apply over the phone with the Marketplace Call Center
To speak directly with the Marketplace Call Center and apply over the phone, you may call 1-800-318-2596. The Call Center is open 24/7, except for holidays. It is recommended that you know what health insurance plan you would like to enroll in before you call and apply. 

5. Apply with a paper application
Although this method is a little more time consuming, you may send in a paper application for open enrollment health insurance. After filling out and mailing your paper application, you will receive your eligibility results in the mail within a two week time period.

There are a variety of ways that you can apply for health insurance during open enrollment. To get a full breakdown of the different options and assistance with applying, reach out to us for more information! We are here to help, and can even handle the whole application and enrollment process for you.


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